Breakdown Of Survey Charges
($300.00 Minimum)
All Surveys start at $33.00 per foot. Type of vessel and travel time will be factored in. Please call for a price quote.
Re-Insurance surveys start at $20.00 per ft. call for pricing
Additional Services and testing
Gasoline engine survey and compression testing with plug-in computer diagnostics $450.00 per single engine and $475.00 per twin engine
Diesel Engine analysis and survey will be quoted
Engine and Transmission Oil analysis $50.00 per unit
Payment Options
Expert witness, Court appearances, Damage surveys, Donation appraisals and Consulting, are on an hourly basis and will be negotiated with the client
Payment for the survey is due on the date of the survey Cash, Certified check, Venmo or PayPal
(Personal checks accepted upon previous arrangements)